UHU Website with New Look & Feel

Dear Friends,

here is the link to a new look of our website (http://www.universityofhumanunity.org/wp/), please give suggestions how to improve it



6 thoughts on “UHU Website with New Look & Feel

  1. Hans Baren says:

    Hi friends,
    Here a quote from a session on site with Vladimir,
    …So there was a question: “What is University?” It is that where we have to develop ourselves ‘universally’, where the universals of Consciousness will be educated in our individual frames. How do we find those universals, which are universals for all? What is common for carpenter and philosopher is sight, hearing, thought, word, life and body. These are common faculties for all of us and are the same for all creatures in this world. So the development of these faculties in the direction of their integral perception is what our University is to do. Once we have these keys everything else falls into its right place.

    Does this website show this?
    Hope to meet soon,

  2. Rod says:

    I think you should launch the new site as soon as possible. It is liked by everyone who has seen it – big improvement.

  3. Rod says:

    Would it be possible to post any of the content from the 2018 education seminar? At present there is only the invitation.

    1. Keka Chakraborty says:

      Yes it is surely possible. Please feel free to post or email me the materials so that I can post, I will set the author as you in that case.

      1. Rod says:

        It would need to be done by someone who has the material. Unfortunately I was not there this year.

  4. Don Salmon says:

    Congratulations on the new site. it looks wonderful.

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