a proposal
dear friends,
i am attaching a paper on the av economy which i had written last year.
comments are welcome. the main points here are -
1. the new economy needs to be centred around those interested in a
kind economy. those interested in a cash economy and cash
maintenances/salaries should be addressed separately.
2. a new economy necessarily would have to include commercial units,
services, research, village outreach and all other areas which have
major incomes and expenses. working separately with services only will
make them dependent on the 'giving' by the unity fund or commercial
units. the central fund can have its own management but the policy has
to be inclusive of all.
3. maintenances for both services and commercial units have to be
looked at. the previous economy group had talked to the abc regarding
the accountability of personal expenses incurred by executives from
the unit funds. also about sealing their maintenances to 4-5 times that of
those given in the services. both suggestions were rejected as i
understand. but maybe venkat can clarify this. this disparity of
maintenances needs to be addressed as also the work culture in av.
4. other than those getting maintenances from service - maybe around
300 out of a population of 2000? - are not involved in the economy.
ways should be found for them to participate. this includes children, older
people etc.
5. all incomes generated in av by aurovilians should go into the unity
fund even if 'private'. e.g. artists, therapists etc. maintenances for
them too have to be suggested. those with private incomes only and no
direct and regular work in av should also be involved in the economy by
a contribution equal to a maintenance and they have the option of
participating in services or not through that.
6. new essential services should be developed and made accessible and
existing ones strengthened.
7. a realistic picture for the existing economy including all of the
above needs to be worked out so that we know how much money is at the
disposal of av for essentials and how it can be re-distributed.
looking forward to your responses.
commented by venkat on Nov 6, 2007
there was this draft guidelines on (unit) maintenances' drawn and submitted to the then FAMC, which is what kosha is referring to here...
the FAMC did try to address, did try to start a meaningful discussion... but didn't succeed due to obvious reasons!