Our image
The image that is projected by the website and activities of the University of Human Unity - looking at it from outside - is very positive. Although we offer only a few courses and seminars, and the title or logo doesn't represent a very substantial "institution", as it might imply, the content/quality is good; it is also good for Auroville to have it. That's my very biased impression. But I am looking from outside. And I am happy to be able to refer people to the site.
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commented by Rod on Jun 9, 2012
The "approaches to integral knowledge" seminar in January brought together a variety of points of view presented by individuals with strong backgrounds in their respective fields. It was only after about two weeks of interaction that an integral perspective began to emerge. The idea was expressed, based on this experience, that it is not easy to go beyond the usual discreet approaches; and it helps when several approaches are viewed together in the perspective of an integral ideal. Therefore, in order to create an institution of higher learning based on or endeavoring towards an integral knowledge, such a diverse group of people who hold this ideal needs to work together in a more consistent way - as a kind of faculty of integral knowledge. When I submitted my comment on "our image", I was hoping to stimulate some reflections on how we might improve, and in particular some discussion about how to realize some of the ideals that emerged from the seminar.
replied by Vladimir on Jun 17, 2012
It is the most difficult task to find people interested in both: the studies in their own fields of knowledge and integral approach, and especially to sustain this effort over some time.
It is becoming clear now that separate subjects, however hard they try, cannot bring a deeper understanding of reality. They have to interact and collaborate with one another in a meaningful and coherent way to create an integral image of things. And not just to collaborate but to have corresponding relations with the faculties of individual consciousness.
replied by Narendra Joshi on Dec 7, 2013
I fully agree with you Vladimir.
Every subject is really multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary, and thereby aim at integrality, though many times conventional 'Universities' and institutes fail to appreciate this.
Our search is for the truth and a discipline or a field of knowledge is only a help on the way, it should not become a limitation.