An Integral Approach to Knowledge - Introduction
Seminars on an
“Integral Approach to Knowledge”
Saturday, September 15: “Introductory overview”
"International Education, Auroville and the Ideal of HU”- Rod:9.00- 10.30,
“Overview of goals and structure of the Seminar” – Discussion: 11.00-12.30.
An Initiatory Note:
This tentative list of presentations and presenters for upcoming
seminars is meant to invite your participation and to suggest possible
topics; it is open to your creative input. We invite all presenters to
take into account the need for an integral approach to learning, and
request your contribution to this aim in a particular way from your
field of learning. A particular focus on what is new and special about
your approach, what the learner should get from it, and why it is
necessary in building up an integral personality would be helpful.
For example, if the topic is The Future Poetry, then it
could clarify what it is that the learner will acquire from the studies
of this particular form of literature and poetry of Sri Aurobindo, in
what ways it is new, and how it is necessary or useful for one’s
integral development.
Or, if the presentation is in the field of Psychology, then the focus
on transformative practices for our life and consciousness may answer
the questions: What is the psychological basis for the transformation
of consciousness, What is it that can help others in their
self-understanding and life, What is it that we know, or that others
may learn here, that is different from other centers of learning and
necessary for integral development?
We hope through these seminars and presentations to gain insights
into the work that each of us is doing and to become better able to
support students and researchers who come to Auroville to engage with
us in a process of integral learning and the discovery of new knowledge.
Please choose any Saturday for your presentation and inform us as
soon as possible. We will try to schedule according to your preferences
and will communicate with you as the program develops, if changes are
necessary. Subscribers to the UHU website will receive automatic
A series of seminars to discover UHU’s diverse approaches to learning is proposed for your consideration:
1) Sociological approach to learning:
- Bhavana, on AVG, etc.
- John Roberts.
- Uma Prajapati, “Small steps experiment.”
2) Scientific approach to learning:
- Rod, “Spirituality and scientific theories of Evolution”
- Tency, “The educational projects of CSR”
- Lucas, “Concepts and Practices of Environmental Health”
3) Philosophical approach to learning:
- Rudy, “Spirituality beyond Religion”
- Ananda, “Approach to Integral Philosophy. Philosophical studies of
Sri Aurobindo at SACAR: Challenges and Breakthroughs”
4) Psychological approach to learning:
- Matthijs, “What is human Knowledge?”
- Larry, “Integral Psychology”
5) Linguistic approach to learning:
- Shraddhavan, “Studies of Savitri and a new approach to
Poetry” (Future Poetry studies, letters,
conversations with Amal Kiran, Nirod, Nolini)
- Rod, “The Concept of the Evolving Word in Poetry and Literature”
- Vladimir, “Analysis of linguistic theories. The Concept of Word
from the ancient to the modern times”
6) Artistic approach to learning:
a) sound:
- Aurelio, “Experiments in the education of Hearing”
- Didier, “What is sound and how we perceive it? Theory of
harmonics in Architecture”
b) visual art:
- Helmut, “Educational approach to Architecture
- Rolf, “Art and sculpture. Their importance in the education of an integral personality”
A series of presentations on integral education and knowedge:
7) Neeltje, “The Concept of Psychic Education.”
8) Rod, “The Integral Development Paradigm”
9) Jean Yves, “The Last School Experiment. A Paradigm of Integral Education”
9) Michael, “An Integral Approach to Health: On the Quiet Healing Center”
10) Dhanya, “Healing and a holistic approach to Health”
11) Grace, “UHU website, as a learning center”