Four Courses of UHU for the Fall Semester 2009 by Rod and Vladimir
Four Courses of UHU for the Fall Semester 2009 by Rod and Vladimir
1) The Philosophy of Language through Sanskrit Grammar. This course will introduce all major concepts of linguistics viewed from the perspective of Sanskrit Grammar. The wide scope of ancient treatises, such as Nirukta, Vyakarana, Mahabhashya, Vakyapadiya and Tantric texts will be used to address the linguistic issues in philosophical terms. It can be approached as a preparation to study and mastery the Sanskrit language in a deeper linguistic and psychological sense or/and in general as an introduction to Theoretical Linguistics.
A weekly course by Vladimir. 12 sessions from the 21st of September to the 14th of December 2009, (every Monday from 4.00 to 5.00 at Savitri Bhavan).
2) The Philosophy of Evolution 2 - Mind and Supermind: This course will explore theories of the nature and evolution of mind, from Descartes to Darwin and Dennett, and from Aristotle to Aquinas and Aurobindo.
A weekly course by Rod of 12 sessions from the 21st of September to the 14th of December 2009, (every Monday from 5.30 to 6.30 at Savitri Bhavan).
3) The studies of the Veda. Twelve Hymns to the Rising Sun of the Rig Veda in the light of Sri Aurobindo. This course will introduce 12 major hymns to Surya-Savitri of the Rig Veda in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and especially his epic poem Savitri. The Hymns to the Supramental Godhead of the legendary Rishis: Hiranyastupa Angirasa, Kutsa Angirasa, Gritsamada, Vamadeva, Syavashva Atreya, Bharadvaja and Vasishtha will be read and studied in depth. It will also introduce the basics of the Vedic Prosody, Chandas, such meters as Gayatri, Trishtubh, Anushtubh, Jagati, etc.
It is a weekly course by Vladimir of 12 sessions from the 23d of September till the 16th of December, (every Wednesday from 4.00 to 5.00 at Savitri Bhavan).
4) The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo 2 – An Introduction to Savitri: This course will survey each of the books of Savitri, approximately one book per week, giving attention to the structure, symbolism, themes, and movements of each.
It is a weekly course by Rod of 12 sessions from the 23d of September till the 16th of December, (every Wednesday from 5.30 to 6.30 at Savitri Bhavan).
All are welcome.