New Perspectives: Webinar On Emergence of a New Social Order
Short Description-
A Panel discussion on a new social order emerging in the world: the two paradigms of ‘inevitability’ and ‘eternity’ (‘The Road to Unfreedom’ by Timothy Snyder), and an emergence of nationalist tendencies in the world (‘Why Nationalism’ by Yael Tamir). We shall review these topics in the light of the Psychology of Social Development by Sri Aurobindo (‘The Human Cycle’ and ‘The Ideal of Human Unity’).
· Date and Time – July 04, 2020; 10 am- 11.30 am EST; 19.30- 21.00 Indian Time;
· Duration of webinar- 1 hour 30 min.,
· Webinar link:
· Details: Name/ Email ID of all Panelists:
- Radhe Pfau,; Coordinator
- Vladimir Yatsenko, ; Moderator
- Rod Hemsell,; Panelist
- Devdip Ganguli,; Panelist
- Details of all penalists:
- Radhe Pfau, Executive Director of Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center at Fountain Inn, SC, USA and coordinator and facilitator of Integral Yoga courses. She is author of Your Healing Stars, Vol. I: Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology; Your Healing Stars, Vol. II: The Integration of Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology; and The Divine Forces of the Lunar Nakshatras as Portrayed in the Vedas. Her educational background includes: Ayurvedic Institute of New Mexico, Gurukula Ayurveda Program in India, Harvard Business School, MBA, University of Southern California, BA.
- Rod Hemsell is an educator and author who lived in Auroville and at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram from 1968 to 1983. In 1991 he founded the GAIA Learning Center in Crestone, Colorado, USA, and the GLOBE Charter School in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1995. He gave a lecture and presentation on Savitri and participated in a panel on Auroville at the 1993 Parliament of the Worlds Religions in Chicago. Since 1994 he has conducted annual Savitri Immersion workshops at the Sri Aurobindo Learning Center in Crestone. From 2007 to 2017 he has lectured on philosophy at the University of Human Unity in Auroville, India.
- Devdip Ganguli grew up at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry (India). After completing his studies in 2004, he joined Sri Aurobindo Ashram as a full-time resident. Since then he has been offering courses on the history, art, and culture of India, as well as on the social and political thought of Sri Aurobindo at the undergraduate level in the Ashram School.
- Vladimir Yatsenko, a researcher and facilitator of the courses in the Vedic and Vedantic Studies, Sanskrit language and literature ( ), Integral Yoga and Indian Philosophy, aligned with various educational institutions: Auro University, UHU Auroville, Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center in Fountain Inn, SC.

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